Can Koi And Goldfish Live Together? How To Set Up A Koi And Goldfish Pond

Can Koi And Goldfish Live Together? How To Set Up A Koi And Goldfish Pond

Sharing a pond with vibrant koi and playful goldfish can be a delightful sight. Both are coldwater fish known for their hardiness and beauty. However, despite these similarities, some key differences can impact whether they can coexist peacefully. So can koi and goldfish live together? Let Tropical Fish Haven help you answer!

Can koi and goldfish live together?

We can keep Goldfish and Koi fish together. However, there are some precautions that you need to follow. You need to make sure the fish are the same size and if there are eggs or fry in the pond, the larger fish will likely eat them.

In some cases (especially with Goldfish), when one fish is smaller than the other, they can also be eaten. This is why you need to make sure both fish are the same size. This is not because either of these fish is aggressive, but because they will eat anything they can get into their mouths.

Can Goldfish and Koi fish live together in a tank?

You should not keep Goldfish and Koi fish in the tank together permanently, However, this method of keeping Goldfish and Koi fish can be done temporarily when the Koi fish are not fully developed.

Koi fish can grow up to 3 feet in length, so most tanks will not be suitable for keeping them. In fact, only commercial aquariums can help fish live happily. If you plan to keep Koi fish in a tank, you should only keep them in the tank until they are about 6 inches in size. At that point, the Koi fish will need to be moved to a pond for rearing.

On the other hand, as you know, Goldfish can live happily in a 30-gallon tank (an additional 10 gallons are needed for each additional Goldfish).

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Finally, if you plan to keep small Koi fish in a temporary tank, you should make sure the tank has a capacity of 50 gallons or larger.

How to set up a Koi and Goldfish pond

If you are going to keep Koi fish and Goldfish in the same pond, then you need to make sure you are setting up the pond properly! Here’s everything you need to know:

Pond size

When setting up a pond, the first thing you need to consider is size. Koi fish need ponds that are at least 1000 gallons in size, with some areas of the pond being 3-4 feet deep. Ponds need this depth to help fish hibernate, as the water in the deeper parts is warmer.

The reason the pond needs to be so large is because Koi fish are group fish, and each fish needs about 200-300 gallons to live happily. You should also keep a minimum of three fish together, although more is better.

If possible, you should set up a pond about 6 – 8 feet across so they have ample space to swim. Remember, Koi fish prefer to swim horizontally than vertically, so they need plenty of space to swim this way.

And because Goldfish are so much smaller, if your pond is big enough for Koi, it will be big enough for Goldfish too! (Each Goldfish will need about 50 gallons).


You also need to monitor the pH level in the pond. If the temperature is too high or too low, the fish can suffer burns and internal damage. The ideal pH for Koi fish and Goldfish is around 7.2-7.5. However, fish will still easily survive in the pH range of 6.5-8.

To keep the pH level stable, you need to change the water more often.


One big problem you may encounter when keeping Goldfish and Koi fish together is finding the right plants to grow. While Goldfish can live well with most plants, Koi fish are known to be destructive. When you add plants to your pond, you should think about adding peripheral plants instead of planting plants throughout the pond.

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If you want plants in the middle of your pond, try adding sturdy plants like water hyacinth, water smartweed, and lettuce! You can also add Duckweed, but be aware, that if you add this type of duckweed to the pond, you will have to remove most of the plant regularly.

Feed the fish

Koi fish and Goldfish are both omnivores, so feeding them is not too difficult. You just need to make sure you provide enough food in the pond for both fish species.

When you’re considering food, the first thing you need to figure out is finding high-quality food for both types of fish. If you are not sure which fish food to eat then I recommend TetraPond Multi-mix fish food.

In addition, you should also occasionally add fresh food to the pond. Not only will this be a great source of nutrients for the fish, but it will also be a lot more fun because the fish will feel like hunters. In addition, fresh foods make the fish’s diet not boring.

But don’t just feed your fish live food; You should also feed them cooked food. You can try feeding your fish blanched vegetables to make sure they get enough fiber.


One of the most important things when keeping two types of fish together is the temperament of both fish. Although Koi and Goldfish are generally peaceful fish, you may encounter some problems when keeping them in the same pond.

The biggest worry is that if one fish is larger than the other, the smaller fish may be eaten. Therefore, you need to make sure that the fish you are keeping in the pond are similar in size.

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Other than the size difference, there’s not much else you need to worry about. Both Koi fish and Goldfish are rarely aggressive, and it is unlikely that they will fight or kill each other.

So as long as the two types of fish are the same size, you don’t have to worry about a thing!


Most people don’t think about whether their fish will reproduce when they are added to the pond. But if fish reproduce too much, you may end up with an excessive amount of fish in your pond (if the fry survives to adulthood).

If spawning is about to take place, there is a high chance that Goldfish will breed with each other as usual. And if they reproduce too much, Goldfish can give birth to 100 fry in a year.

Goldfish and Koi fish can also mate with each other. However, the fry that are born will be sterile. If you are keeping Goldfish or fancy Koi fish and you want to keep them as pure as possible, you should not breed them together.

Fortunately, even when Goldfish are breeding, many of the fry will likely be eaten before they reach adulthood.

Can Koi fish and Goldfish eat the same food?

Have! Koi fish can eat Goldfish food, and Goldfish can eat Koi fish food. Both fish are Carp and as long as you feed them high-quality food, it doesn’t matter whether it’s goldfish food or Karp food.


While koi and goldfish can technically share a pond, it’s not always ideal. The size disparity poses a threat to smaller goldfish, and competition for food can lead to malnutrition. However, some goldfish varieties, like fast-swimming comets or shubunkins, can thrive alongside koi in a large enough pond with ample resources. Ultimately, the decision depends on your specific pond setup and the types of fish you choose. If you prioritize the well-being of both koi and goldfish, it might be best to house them in separate ponds.

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