Electric Spark in Your Tank: The Alluring Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish

Electric Spark in Your Tank: The Alluring Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish

Calling all aquarium enthusiasts with a penchant for vibrant fish! Look no further than the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, a dazzling freshwater cichlid that will steal the show in your tank. This captivating fish boasts a mesmerizing display of electric blue and black marbling across its entire body, making it a true centerpiece species. But beyond its stunning looks, the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey offers a surprising amount of personality and is surprisingly hardy for those new to the hobby. Join Tropical Fish Haven to learn more about Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish Overview

Named after the famed boxer Jack Dempsey, the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish shares many traits with its namesake. Known for its aggressive behavior, some even say its face resembles that of the legendary fighter.

This variant is significantly rarer than the traditional Jack Dempsey fish, and its origins are subject to debate. Some assert that this species occurs naturally and can be found throughout Central America and the Atlantic Coast of Mexico. To this day, additional DNA testing is needed to determine whether the distinctive coloration of the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey results from genetic mutation or hybridization.

Regardless of which origin story you believe, everyone agrees that this is a uniquely vibrant and colorful fish. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey truly lives up to its distinctive name.


The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey boasts a striking appearance. Although saltwater fish are often considered the most colorful, this freshwater species is a notable exception.

This slender fish is a brilliant blue that shimmers under direct lighting. Its body is adorned with varying patterns of black dots, which can be found on the head, body, lips, and fins. The only exception is the pectoral fin, which remains translucent.

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The Electric Blue variation is also known for having longer fins compared to regular Jack Dempsey cichlids. Hobbyists might also observe that the shapes of these fish’s skulls vary, a common trait of hybridization.

Juvenile Electric Blue Jack Dempseys are somewhat paler, with white bodies that gradually turn blue as the fish reaches around 6-7 months old.

As the fish ages, its blue color will dull again, indicating it is nearing the end of its life. This dulling can also occur if the fish is stressed or fed a low-quality diet.


Though juveniles may appear small, the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey will grow into a substantial fish, reaching around 8 inches in length as an adult. Given its size, it’s essential to have an adequately large aquarium to accommodate this sizable and aggressive species.

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish Care Instructions

If you’re new to fishkeeping, the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is an excellent choice as a solitary fish.

However, due to its aggressive nature, we recommend it only for experienced aquarists if you plan to keep it with other tankmates.

The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey thrives on a high-quality diet, bi-weekly 40% water changes, and pristine water conditions.


The lifespan of aquarium fish, including the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, is closely linked to diet, water quality, and stress levels. Ensuring a large aquarium for your Electric Blue Jack Dempsey will help promote a healthy and long life.

Typically, purchased Electric Blue Jack Dempseys are already adults, usually between 1-2 years old. It’s advisable to inquire about the fish’s age at the time of purchase to better estimate its remaining lifespan.

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Common Diseases

One of the most common diseases affecting freshwater fish is Dropsy, and cichlids are just as susceptible as other species.

Stress weakens a fish’s immune system, creating an ideal environment for the bacteria that causes Dropsy. Fish with Dropsy typically become lethargic, lose their appetite, and may hover in place at the top or bottom of the aquarium.

The most obvious symptom of Dropsy is the swelling it causes, making the fish appear as if they are about to pop, similar to a balloon filling with helium.

If you notice symptoms, immediately move the fish to a mature hospital tank with pristine water conditions (0 PPM Ammonia & Nitrite). Slowly add Epsom salt to the tank, aiming for 1 teaspoon per gallon. After adding the salt, monitor your fish over the next three days for signs of improvement.

Another common disease affecting this fish is white spot disease, which causes white spots to appear on the fish’s body. Treatment typically involves performing water changes to improve water quality and gradually raising the aquarium temperature over three days. Increasing the temperature to about 85 °F can help eradicate the parasite responsible for the disease.

Food & Diet

Feeding the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is quite simple. This fish will thrive on a variety of high-quality dry, frozen, and meaty foods. Offering a diverse diet ensures your Electric Blue Jack Dempsey receives the necessary nutrients for a long and healthy life.

Suitable feeding options include:

  • High-Quality Flake Food
  • Thawed Frozen Bloodworms
  • Sinking Pellets
  • Black Worms
  • Daphnia
  • Brine Shrimp

Adult Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be fed twice daily, while juveniles can be fed 2-3 times a day.

Healthy fish will eagerly consume their food within 2-3 minutes. Avoid overfeeding, as excess food can deteriorate water quality by increasing ammonia levels and lead to bloat. Always monitor your fish during feeding to prevent these issues.

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Breeding Electric Blue Jack Dempseys is relatively straightforward. If you are lucky enough to have a male and female from different family lines, the process can be quite rewarding.

You’ll recognize when the fish are ready to breed by their color change: their vibrant blue will shift to black, known as the “black breeding coat.” This color change signals that it’s time to move the pair to a breeding tank.

Set up the breeding tank with decorations like stones or plants where the female can lay her eggs. To maintain optimal conditions, conduct 30% water changes every 3 days.

If the breeding is successful, the female will lay eggs on stones or decorations in the tank, and the male will fertilize them. Both fish will fiercely guard the eggs during this period.

After about 3 days, the eggs will be ready to hatch, so keep a close watch. The parents will continue to protect the newly hatched fry for approximately 10 days. Once this period is over, you’ll have successfully bred Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish!


While they may possess a touch of their namesake’s feistiness, Electric Blue Jack Dempseys are generally less aggressive than their standard Jack Dempsey counterparts. With proper tank setup, including ample space and hiding places, these electrifying fish can thrive alongside compatible tankmates. So, if you’re ready to add a splash of color and personality to your aquatic world, the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey might just be your perfect electric companion.

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