Water Temp For Guppy Fish – Guppy Farming Techniques

Water Temp For Guppy Fish – Guppy Farming Techniques

Guppy, with their vibrant colors and playful personalities, is a popular choice for freshwater aquariums. These tropical fish thrive in warm water, but what exactly is the ideal temperature range for keeping them happy and healthy? Understanding their water temperature needs is essential for ensuring their well-being. Hãy cùng với Tropical Fish Haven tìm hiểu về water temp for guppy fish.

Water Temp For Guppy Fish

Guppy grows well in the temperature range of 21-29℃. When the temperature reaches 32℃, they can still grow. This fish breed does not have strict environmental requirements. However, for guppy from the natural environment, farmers should maintain it at 28℃. The ideal temperature is 22~24℃, pH 7.2~7.4.

Guppy reproduce very strongly and grow quickly. After only 3-4 months, the fish will begin to reproduce, sooner or later depending largely on water temperature and farming conditions. When breeding guppy, farmers should use a large tank and maintain a temperature of 26℃, pH 6.8~7.4. During the process of raising newly born guppy, it is necessary to maintain stable water quality. If fish continue to be born, you should change the water after 1 week to ensure the fry is strong.

Does Guppy Need A Heater?

As mentioned above, guppy need warmer water. If you live in a climate where the temperature outside the door drops below 20°C in the winter, you will most likely need an aquarium heater.

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In winter, most of us keep the temperature in the door steady at 21-22°C. In theory, this could be enough to heat the water in your aquarium.

However, this air temperature cannot provide a stable heat source for your guppy tank. The water heats up more slowly than air, so the air temperature is 70 21 ° C, the aquarium water temperature will be lower.

So, you will need to heat the water for your guppy tank. I highly recommend checking out my other article on how to size a heater for your water volume.

Also, if you don’t have a heater yet, I recommend the Eheim Jager, which is a high-quality and reliable heater. I have used these heaters for many years, and they still work great.

Techniques For Raising And Caring For Guppy

Guppy farming techniques must be said to be the simplest among ornamental fish raised at home because they are extremely strong growers and are suitable for many different living conditions.

Indeed, the technique of raising guppy does not need to be too complicated, just make sure to eat the right meals, care for them or prevent diseases properly and they will be extremely healthy.


The tank for raising a guppy does not need to be too large, it only needs to hold about 10 liters of water, but you need to have many tanks to store them because guppy breed quickly and a lot is raised for breeding.


You can use 4 fluorescent bulbs. Light should be kept on for 10 – 14 hours/day. You should turn on the light 1 hour before the first meal and turn off the light 1 hour after the last meal.

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Feeding water

Water is the most important factor for farming. If you use tap water, dry it in the sun for 1 day before using it to let the chlorine gas in the water escape. If you cannot dry it, you must let it bubble in the lake so that the chlorine gas can escape faster.

Guppy farming techniques

Guppy loves old water, but it must be clean and safe for the fish. You only need to change the water once a week, 1/3 to 1/2 of the tank each time.

In order for the fry to have a high survival rate, you should put a lot of algae for the fish to hide in, provide initial nutrition for the fish, and raise the fry in an old aquarium with moss. After the first 1 – 2 weeks, let the fish eat seaweed or moss or add pelleted food, but remember to feed in moderate amounts.

An adult 7-color female can give birth periodically every 7 – 10 days. Each time she gives birth from 15 to 40 fry depending on the size of the mother fish – the larger the mother fish, the more babies she gives birth to each time. You can breed different types of guppy to create your own unique fish color. Breeding guppy can be said to be the easiest of all fish species.


Most of the 7 colors die because the water is too dirty, not because the water source they raise is dirty but because of excess food. Actually, 7-color fish eat very little. In particular, if you fill the tank with dogtail algae and don’t feed it for 5-7 days, it’s okay. But if you feed dry food every day, the fish won’t eat it all. If the leftover food gets contaminated, it can easily kill the fish. Therefore, you should feed sparingly, especially if you have added algae or other types of ponds with a lot of moss (like Aquariums, for example).

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Maintaining a stable water temperature within the recommended range of 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 29°C) is crucial for guppy health. Temperatures outside this range can weaken their immune system, reduce activity levels, and increase susceptibility to diseases. By investing in a reliable aquarium heater and thermometer, you can ensure your guppy remains comfortable and vibrant, creating a thriving underwater environment for these captivating fish.

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